Reflections of Grace Performing Arts School Policies
General Schedule
The dance program consists of two semesters per year, occurring in the fall and spring. The fall semester begins in September and ends in December, concluding in a Christmas recital. The spring semester is from February to April, concluding with a final spring recital. Classes are held on Thursday afternoons/evenings and Tuesday afternoons/evenings. (Expect a $40+ costume charge added to cover costumes for Spring Recital which you’ll be invoiced for in March)
Student Placement & Classes Class Levels:
We reserve the right to determine class placement for every student regardless of age and prior or current training. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Alisa Eaton. Our teachers determine when a student is ready to advance to the next level. Not all students progress technically, artistically, intellectually, emotionally or spiritually at the same rate.
Dress Code Guidelines and Attire
All dancers should wear cover-up clothing when coming to and leaving class. Please don’t send your dancer to the parking lot in their leotard. Ballet/Jazz shoes should NOT be worn outside, as it can damage the shoes and track oils and dangerous materials on to studio floors. Only small earrings are allowed in class, all other jewelry needs to be removed prior to class. Hair MUST be pulled away from the face for all other dance classes (ponytails ok). Hair MUST be pulled away from the face for all other dance classes (ponytails ok). Water bottles are strongly encouraged for the upper-level classes.
Dress Requirements

- Little Ones: Please wear a short-sleeved black leotard with NO skirt and Ballet pink (peach-like) footed tights or Leather “ballet pink” ballet shoes. Leather shoes are recommended for our younger dancers. Shoes should fit snugly (no “room to grow”)
- Ballet 1, 2, 3: Please wear a short-sleeved black leotard, with NO skirt. Ballet pink (peach-like) footed tights. Leather “ballet pink” ballet shoes. Leather shoes are recommended for our younger dancers. Shoes should fit snugly (no “room to grow”)
- Ballet 4 +: Any color leotard and tights full footed or convertible allowed. Ballet skirts or hipster shorts worn over leotards & tights are ok.
- Jazz all levels: Leggings/shorts may be worn over black leotards and you may add an athletic shirt to “top” it off. Leggings- (about $6 from Walmart!) Black jazz shoes (slip-on without laces) are preferred but pink ballet shoes will do.
General Etiquette
In Class: No gum, only water bottles – no food, please. Outside of Class: Use designated areas for bags and other personal items. Pick up after yourself. Please do not allow waiting children to run and play in the hallways.
Parent Guidelines
We will always welcome your concerns. Please help your child to be in class on time and ready to dance. There is space available for parents and siblings to wait while your child is in class. Parents are not allowed in the classroom, it tends to distract the children. Parents will be allowed to watch on the last day of class of the semester. Please do not allow waiting children to run and play in the hallways.
Students should arrive 10 to 15 minutes before class begins. The student can use this time to dress for class, use the restroom, and prepare mentally. We encourage students to be on time and not miss class. If your student is ill, please notify, Dance Director/Teacher, Alisa Eaton by phone (920) 410-8080.
Makeup Classes
Students can make up a missed lesson in a class level below theirs with permission of the instructor.
Inclement Weather
When the Oshkosh School District is closed due to weather, classes are canceled. If a class is canceled due to weather conditions or facility closures, the students will be allowed to participate in another class as a make-up lesson.
Lost & Found
We maintain our own lost and found items which are stored for one semester in our kitchen area. Unclaimed items are donated at the end of each semester.
Shoe/Leotard Sharing: “Blessings Box”
Located at the Welcome Desk is a “Blessings Box.” This box contains well-cared-for dance items that your child has grown out of that may be placed in the box for others to use, in hopes that you might find the next size up for your child. Please only donate items to the swap box that do not have holes and shoes that have a mate!
Fees and Payments
A fee and payment schedule will be available each semester with registration forms. Reflections of Grace Performing Arts School is run as a non-profit, therefore fees are lower than a comparable school of dance. Scholarships are available upon request.