At ROG, we teach inclusive, adaptive, and integrated dance classes designed for people with disabilities. Dance classes are offered in many dance themes and types and will serve people of every age, height, size and ability. Dance classes are offered in studio and are also offered at various locations and partnerships throughout Oshkosh, Neenah, Appleton, and Fond Du Lac. Through the Dance 4 All program, we desire to help people of all abilities feel welcome in dance because everyone should have the opportunity to feel the power and joy of dance.

- Engage a population that is underserved in the dance community
- Enhance motivation, cooperation, create a sense of well-being, develop rhythm/musical awareness
- Improve physical abilities: gain strength, balance, coordination, train memory, increase range of motion
- Refresh emotional state: increase confidence, increase joy, encouraging positive mental health
- A safe space to build and foster friendships
- 45 minutes of fun upbeat dancing, themed classes each week
- Staff that is ready to meet the individual needs of its students taking into account their emotional maturity, attention span, and developmental stage.